




※1 “If there arises or if there is sufficient reason for a state of emergency to arise that may disintegrate the Union or disintegrate national solidarity or that may cause the loss of sovereignty, due to acts or attempts to take over the sovereignty of the Union by insurgency, violence and wrongful forcible means, the President may, after co-ordinating with the National Defence and Security Council, promulgate an ordinance and declare a state of emergency. In the said ordinance, it shall be stated that the area where the state of emergency in operation is the entire Nation and the specified duration is one year from the day of promulgation.” なお、同条が定める大統領との協議がなされているかどうかは報道等からは明らかではありません。


※2  (a) In the matter concerning the declaration of the state of emergency according to Section 417, the President shall declare the transferring of legislative, executive and judicial powers of the Union to the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services to enable him to carry out necessary measures to speedily restore its original situation in the Union. It shall be deemed that the legislative functions of all Hluttaws and leading bodies shall be suspended from the day of declaration. It shall also be deemed that on the expiry of the term of the said Hluttaws, the relevant Hluttaws have been dissolved automatically.

(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution, commencing from the day of transfer of the sovereign power to the Commander-inChief of the Defence Services, it shall be deemed that the members appointed and assigned duties by approval of the relevant Hluttaws in accord with the Constitution, Self-Administered Division Leading Bodies or the members of Self-Administered Zone Leading Bodies, with the exception of the President and the Vice-Presidents, have been terminated from duty.











※3 前記憲法418条の下線部記載のように、大統領及び副大統領以外のいわゆるポリティカルアポインティは失職することとされています。そのため、 業種ごとに許認可等の折衝の担当となっていた関係大臣等との既存の折衝に影響を与えるおそれがあります。








湯川 雄介
西村あさひ法律事務所 パートナー弁護士


○執筆者プロフィールページ 湯川 雄介


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