
J.D. パワー/ポール・マクアダム

J.D. パワー(本社:米国ミシガン州トロイ)は消費者のインサイト、アドバイザリーサービス、データ分析における国際的なマーケティングリサーチカンパニー。企業の顧客満足度改善やパフォーマンス向上のソリューション提供のため、現在、北米、南米、アジアパシフィック、ヨーロッパでビジネスを展開している。

写真は、米J.D. パワー バンキング・インテリジェンス部門シニアディレクターのポール・マクアダム氏。

Paul McAdam is a Senior Director, Regional Banking in the Financial Services Practice at J.D. Power. He is responsible for syndicated and proprietary studies in the banking industry, including the U.S. Retail Banking Satisfaction Study; Canadian Retail Banking Satisfaction Study; Small Business Banking Satisfaction Study; and Credit Card Satisfaction Study. He also works with clients to help them gain a better understanding of how to improve the customer experience, with a particular emphasis on the regional banking segment.

Mr. McAdam has more than 25 years of experience in banking and professional services. He has led dozens of research programs that have enabled leading U.S. banks and global financial technology companies to quantify market demand and measure customer experience.

Prior to joining J.D. Power in 2016, Mr. McAdam was senior vice president of strategic thought leadership at Fidelity Information Services (FIS). There, he led a team that conducted domestic and global primary research of consumer expectations of banking providers. His team also published the corporation’s thought leadership magazine, which was delivered to more than 50,000 clients globally. His work at FIS touched retail and small business banking, wealth management, mobile financial services and emerging payments systems.

Before FIS, Mr. McAdam was a Partner with eCom Advisors, a strategy consulting firm focused on helping clients optimize the delivery of banking and payment solutions through digital channels. Previously, he was with BAI, a Chicago-based professional association that provides research and training services to banking companies. His key role at BAI was managing director of research, where he led a team that launched retail and small business banking benchmarking programs that served 37 of the top 50 U.S. banks. He also served as editor-in-chief of Banking Strategies magazine. He began his career in financial services in retail bank branch management and customer service call center management at Household International.

Mr. McAdam received a bachelor’s degree in economics from Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, and an MBA from DePaul University in Chicago.


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