
J.D. パワー/トム・スーパー

J.D. パワー(本社:米国ミシガン州トロイ)は消費者のインサイト、アドバイザリーサービス、データ分析における国際的なマーケティングリサーチカンパニー。企業の顧客満足度改善やパフォーマンス向上のソリューション提供のため、現在、北米、南米、アジアパシフィック、ヨーロッパでビジネスを展開している。

写真は、米J.D. パワー 損害保険部門長のトム・スーパー氏。

Mr. Super, who most recently served as Director of Strategy for Farmers Insurance Group, has spent 15 years in strategy and leadership positions for such high-profile companies as Booz & Company, The White House and AT&T Corp. While at Farmers, he was a key contributor to the revitalization of the brand, serving in strategy and consumer research areas during his tenure.

Prior to joining Farmers, Mr. Super was a consultant with Booz & Company as part of the firm’s premier organization and strategy management team. There he advised clients across several industries including consumer, retail, financial services, automotive, media, transportation, health, bio-techand defense. As an Aide in the White House, Super worked on a wide range of economic and budgetary policy issues on behalf of the President George W. Bush.

A recognized industry expert, Mr. Super is a regular speaker at industry conferences and thought-leader on trends affecting the industry for publications such as Bloomberg, AP, Inc.com, Insurance Journal, and Carrier Magazine. Mr. Super holds a master’s degree in public administration from the American University School of Public Affairs and received his bachelor’s degree in business from Robert Morris University.


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