
J.D. パワー/スティーブン・J・クルーソン

J.D. パワー(本社:米国ミシガン州トロイ)は消費者のインサイト、アドバイザリーサービス、データ分析における国際的なマーケティングリサーチカンパニー。企業の顧客満足度改善やパフォーマンス向上のソリューション提供のため、現在、北米、南米、アジアパシフィック、ヨーロッパでビジネスを展開している。

写真は、米J.D. パワー Global Business Intelligence部門、保険業界担当シニアディレクター スティーブン・J・クルーソン氏。

Stephen is a Senior Director in the Global Insurance Intelligence Group at J.D. Power.
His area of responsibility includes intelligence around new customer acquisition, sales, and marketing for the property/casualty industry.
He has more than ten years of experience at J.D. Power and a total of more than 20 years in marketing research and consulting. Stephen helped to launch many of the syndicated research studies in property/casualty insurance at J.D. Power and has worked with dozens of insurers to use these studies and other business intelligence to improve business results.
Before rejoining J.D. Power in 2022, Stephen worked on the carrier-side as a Group Manager at Auto Club Enterprises with responsibilities across the marketing function. He also spent five years at Gongos, Inc., a customer centricity agency that helps leading brands better deliver to their customers.
Stephen holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, with a minor in mathematics,from Lake Superior State University and a master’s degree in economics from Walsh College.
He also worked towards a PhD in cognitive neuroscience at the University of Notre Dame.



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