







[図表1]移動式PVテストカー【Photography of the Mobile PV Testcenter】








[図表2]左から2列目、上から6段目のセルの写真画像【photography of the cell in the 2nd column and the 6th row】

セルの損傷は目視では確認できない。No damage of the cell can be seen.
セルの損傷は目視では確認できない。No damage of the cell can be seen.


[図表3]左から2列目、上から6段目のセルのEL画像【EL image of the cell in the 2nd column and the 6th row】

セル中央のインターコネクター付近及びセルの右側に発生しているクラックが映し出されている。また付近のセルにも無数のクラックが生じている。There are cell cracks around the cell interconnector in the middle and on the right side of the cell. Also, neighboring cells show multiple cracks.
セル中央のインターコネクター付近及びセルの右側に発生しているクラックが映し出されている。また付近のセルにも無数のクラックが生じている。There are cell cracks around the cell interconnector in the middle and on the right side of the cell. Also, neighboring cells show multiple cracks.







Incoming Goods Test Using Mobile PV Testcenter




When the costs in Japanese PV business declines as it gets closer to the international market prices, autonomous quality check such as Incoming Goods Test (IGT) of PV modules will become more significant. Also, as secondary market becomes more active, on-site module testing using Mobile PV Test Center will be a valuable tool to understand the condition of exiting PV plants.


There are three approaches to perform tests for new modules. The traditional approach tests will send the PV modules to laboratories. Although it has an advantage that high accuracy is achievable, This limits the tests to a due the costs for transportation and of the laboratory. Small random probe (2-10 PV modules) are common. Handheld devices can be used for measurements on sites under sun light. However, it is hard to reach stable environmental conditions for the measurements.


Testing using a mobile laboratory can achieve both advantages of laboratory and hand-held equipment. The image shows the Mobile PV Testcenter of the manufacturer MBJ Services (Germany). A PV module can be moved into the test center by a huge drawer. The PV module will be connected to the measurement device. The serial number of each PV module is scanned and the measurement is performed almost fully automatic. Thanks to the high-quality equipment in the mobile PV Test Center, effective testing at plants, construction sites, and receiving ports before and after installation.


A test of PV module at the construction side of a PV power plant is called Incoming Goods Test (IGT). The PV modules are taken out of the original box and testing just before the installation. The aim of the tests is to determine the quality of the PV modules and to detect failures before the installation. It is possible to see difference in the quality level of different module manufacturers or between different production lots of PV modules.


The Testing Methods


The main test devices are a LED flasher and an electroluminescence (EL) imager. The advantages of the Mobile PV Testcenter are the higher throughput (150 PV modules per day are typical), the lower costs per tested module and a faster schedule. The results of an Incoming Goods Test (IGT) for random sample can be provided within several hours after the delivery. Processes that allow to reject and return a delivery are technical possible.


The LED flasher can determine the power output of the PV module. Therefore, a flash is generated that is bright as the sun illuminates the PV module for several hundred milliseconds. The power output of the PV module during the flash is measured. The measurement’s result will be recalculated for the temperature of the module, so that the final result can be stated as power output at standard test conditions (The standard test conditions (STC) are defined in IEC 60904: brightness 1000 W/m2, temperature of the PV module: 25°C, spectral distribution / color of the light according to the parameter AM1.5). This result can be compared to the nominal rating of the PV module stated by the manufacturer on the basis of a comparable test: 275W, 270W, 265W, …


The function of a PV module in PV plant is to convert the sun light into electrical power. The electroluminescence imager works with the reverse process. The PV module is put into a dark room and powered with electrical energy. The electrical energy flows through the PV module and generates light. An image of the light will show lower intensities at locations with a lower current flow. Weaker current flow can be caused for example by failures of the semi-conductor or the by electrical elements for the current flow through the cell.


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